Monday 5 March 2007

Kilroot Power Station

Kilroot Power Station is in N.Ireland

Kilroot Power Station is dual coal/oil fired as it uses coal and oil to make electricity.

Kilroot Power Station is in Carrickfergus and opened in 1981.

It produces about one third of Northern Ireland's electricity.

Kilroot is about 90 miles from Strabane.

Jack and Carlos.


At 23 March 2007 at 23:24 , Blogger Paula said...

It was very interesting to see this last work you've send to the blogg.
I know we'll visit you next month. We're looking forward to see you soon.

At 27 March 2007 at 22:37 , Blogger Cahal said...

Paula et al . On
you can view 2 videos of one place Mr. McDermott will be taking you.


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