Monday 22 January 2007

Fuel Use

Martin , Gary and Benjamin working at the computer.
Fuel Use
This report is about fuel use in the present and in the past.
We gathered information and used it to create graphs-one of fuel use in the past and one of fuel use in the present.
In the past things were different.Today we use electricity to light, heat and cook in most homes.In the past many different fuels were used.
Today we get much of our energy from an electricity generating station.Coolkeeragh is the nearest electricity generating station to Strabane.In the past people used many different kinds of fuel to light,to heat and to cook in their homes.For example,gas,coal,turf,oil,open fire and electricty.
Electricity is a clean fuel in our homes.Oil ,gas , coal, turf and wood are smelly and dirty fuels.


At 5 March 2007 at 16:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good photo of the boys working. They look very intense. They seem to be working very hard.


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