Monday 11 December 2006

About the Project

Hello friends :)

This blog is intended to be a platform of comunication between us and with others about our common project.

Please, feel free (with respect) to write about our project and the main topics.

I know that we should present in a more detailed way the project but this is just a test and an appeal to all members.

warm regards



At 11 December 2006 at 19:19 , Blogger Cahal said...

Glad to hear from you . I would expect that we will begin to contribute in the New Year. Tomorrow and Wednesday are the school's Christmas show nights and next week is party time for our kids. ( the staff are going to an Italian restaraunt this Friday night!)

At 15 December 2006 at 10:59 , Blogger Mario Verissimo said...

Hi, friends:-)
We also are working for the Christmas party.
I think that Paula, Isabel & all the teachers are preparing an astonishing performance in the party.
I think that you could see that, after.

Best regards


At 18 December 2006 at 22:35 , Blogger Paula said...

We´ve just open the blog today.
The Christmas performance was great. We will send you some pictures. It was about energy.
Best regards

At 21 December 2006 at 20:27 , Blogger Cahal said...

Energy! Who has it at this time of year? Our Christmas show was more traditional, concentrating on the role of Joseph in the nativity story.Unfortunately I was too busy during the performances to take photos but I think Master McDermott may have some so I will chase him up on that.

At 17 January 2007 at 21:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello friends:
We thank you for the Christmas cards from Grece.
We enjoied the pictures of Cahal.
We will send some too, soon.

At 17 January 2007 at 21:05 , Blogger PAC said...

Friends I forgot my Paula password so now I'm Paula Cabrita Ok ?

At 31 January 2007 at 22:10 , Blogger PAC said...

Thank's for the work you've send by post mail.

At 3 February 2007 at 19:24 , Blogger Cahal said...

Thank you. I will let the children read your comments on Monday. Feedback is important to them. They are only 9 years old after all.


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