Thursday 25 January 2007

It's in the post!

Hello to our friends in Europe! We are sending some of the work we did in the past 2 weeks on energy in the post tomorrow.
Corey , Danny , Aodhan.

Monday 22 January 2007

Fuel Use

Martin , Gary and Benjamin working at the computer.
Fuel Use
This report is about fuel use in the present and in the past.
We gathered information and used it to create graphs-one of fuel use in the past and one of fuel use in the present.
In the past things were different.Today we use electricity to light, heat and cook in most homes.In the past many different fuels were used.
Today we get much of our energy from an electricity generating station.Coolkeeragh is the nearest electricity generating station to Strabane.In the past people used many different kinds of fuel to light,to heat and to cook in their homes.For example,gas,coal,turf,oil,open fire and electricty.
Electricity is a clean fuel in our homes.Oil ,gas , coal, turf and wood are smelly and dirty fuels.

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Grandparent Survey

We did this work because P.5 are in the Comenius project on Energy.
We carried out this survey by asking these questions.We asked our grandparents
a) how did they heat their homes,
b) how did they light their homes.
c) how did they cook their food in their homes?
Most grandparents used gas to cook their food, oil to light their homes and oil or turf to heat their homes.
Marcus , Jack and Eoin.

( Turf is the commonly used name for Peat in Ireland. )

Fuel Use Survey

( We had our first low land snow this morning.)
P.5 are involved in a Comenius project on Energy.
We carried out a survey by asking questions to create a graph of Energy use. We asked these questions:-
What did we use
a) to heat our homes,
b) to light our homes,
c) to cook our food?
Most people used oil to heat their homes. Most people used electricity to cook their food. Most of our class used electricity to light their homes.
Alexander , Kawishka and Jordan.

Monday 15 January 2007


The Youtube link is to 2 videos some of you might like to see. It is about N.Ireland's only World Heritage site , The Giant's Causeway . I am still learning to use Youtube and those of you in Portugal, Hungary and Crete are the victims of my practising.
I was thinking that depending on what we decide to do in the future it might be another/possible channel of communication etc for staff and pupils.
(This image is of the Isle of Innisfree, the subject of a famous W.B. Yeats poem)

Friday 12 January 2007

Christmas tree card

Alexander, Kawishka and Jordan preparing their submission to this blog.

We were pleased to receive your card today. We were interested to see a photo of a dolmen on the tree. There are many dolmens in Ireland

Thursday 11 January 2007


Robert responded to my short email positively. Our children will be ready to blog next week and we will be sending some material by snail mail shortly after. It will be only a small amount but experience shows that with our younger children , their interest is best maintained with many short activities rather than one long piece of work where interest may fade. It also gives me the opportunity to ensure that everyone is involved.