Tuesday 20 February 2007

Power stations in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has three major electricity generating stations , Ballylumford power station ,Coolkeeragh power station and Kilroot.

Ballylumford power station is gas fired. Coolkeeragh power station is oil fired. Kilroot power station is duel coal/oil fired.

Ballylumford power station was built in Islandmagee Co.Antrim in 1943. The new Coolkeeragh power station ,opened in Londonderry in 2004. The first Coolkeeragh Power Station opened in 1959. Kilroot power station was opened in Carrickfergus ,Co.Antrim in 1981.

They all produce electricity for N.Ireland.

Coolkeeragh is about 14 miles away from Strabane.
(photo left is Ballylumford Power Station, photo right is Coolkeeragh and middle top photo is Kilroot.)
Gary D. , Danny ,(text) Kawishka and Ben (photos).